Jane and Mary are friends and they both like to play hide
and seek after school.
One Monday afternoon after school, Jane’s mother
asked her to go and collect some water from the well. But
instead of going straight to the well, Jane goes to Mary’s
house and they start playing hide and seek.
Jane forgot to go to the well, and it was starting to get late
at home so her mother got worried and started looking for
her in the village.
She looked around the entire village asking anyone she
found if they had seen Jane but nobody had. As she was
going back home looking disturbed, she met Mr. Opio
Mr. Opio: good evening mama Jane.
Mama Jane: good evening Mr. Opio.
Mr. Opio : you look worried, is there anything bothering
Mama Jane : yes Mr. Opio, I asked Jane to go collect
some water when she came back from school but it’s
coming to night fall and she has not yet returned back
home and I did not find her at the well am soo scared.
Mr Opio : oooh mama Jane don’t get worried I saw Jane
at her friend Mary’s house playing hide and seek. Have
You gone to Mary’s house ?
Mama Jane : oooh thank you soo much Mr. Opio let me
head to Mary’s house then.
( Mama Jane goes to Mary’s house and finds Jane and
Mary busy playing hide and seek and finds Mary’s
mother winnowing millet )
Mama Jane: good evening mama Mary.
mama Mary : good evening mama Jane.
Mama Jane : I have come to take Jane home , I had asked
her to go collect some water from the well but instead she
came here and and forgot to go back home.
Mama Mary: oooh! Mama Jane you know children
(chuckles) and their playful nature.
( they both laugh)
Mama Jane: I was soo worried about her.
( calls Jane who comes running to her and looks scared
thinking she is going to be scolded by her mother)
Jane: mama am sorry I forgot to collect the water you
asked me to.
Mama Jane : it’s okay Jane but next time when I send
you to the well please go straight to the well and come
back home. I was so worried about you thinking
something bad had happened to you.
Jane : am sorry mama.
mama Jane : good night mama Mary, me and Jane will
now go back home.
(Good night Mary Jane shouts)