To me, you are my hero. Ever present listener, strong and brave yet very calm, kind, and sweet, crowned with wisdom. You are a silent storm. Those who don't know might think you are a walk in the park. Kumbeee!!
Mama, growing up, I have come to understand your true definition of "marriage is for better or worse". At the age of 17, I got to know that most of my siblings were my step-sisters and brothers. How did you manage a household of 18 children?? The way you treated my steps was the most important thing in life.
Sometimes, I went to school without a pen, no breakfast money, old shoes, etc, only for you to first care for my step sisters and brothers. You always told me that when I grew up, I would understand. Now I do understand. It's because I am your own, I will always know that you loved me regardless. The rest would have never believed your love for them if you had treated them less of a priority.
However, you should have shown me a little more love and care. You should have treated me as a priority, too. You shouldn't have treated my step-siblings with all privileges at the expense of my happiness. I always felt kinda left out.
We are all grown up, Dad is gone, some are fighting to get you out of your marital home, some have gone through witchcraft to make your life miserable and others want to kill you. And many are jealous of how your children turned out too well, uhmmm, I guess the rough road you took us through turned out to be beautiful in the end.
Since Dad's death, no one has sent you a penny for sugar! They don't even raise their hand to clear your medical bills. They all act like they don't know you.
Now all is left for me and the rest of your children to treat you like the queen you are and try to pay back for your lost times... Yes! We are happy to do so because amidst it all you loved us. You stayed in your marital home for us.
Mum, you taught me that we should extend kindness, love and care not only to those that we think are more deserving. We love because God first loved us. You have always told me to do good as if doing God's work. For in due time, he rewards you, not human rewards. This lesson I learned from the way you treated my step-siblings and trust me, you taught us to love!
I am grateful for that painful lesson, and I will always carry it on with me.
You made me believe in a happy marriage by just the way you and Dad related... I never at any one time saw you guys fight or raise voices towards each other.
You painted a picture-perfect image of marriage. No wonder I decided to get married very early.
One thing though that you would have emphasized is that marriage is a journey, not a destination. It's not an achievement either. It is simply marriage, and one needs to live life with their partner in harmony and not at the expense of one being oppressed.
I am grateful that through your marriage with Dad, I got to believe in unconditional love.
Uhmmmm, oba, there is a lot to write about you, Mama, naye for now, two big lessons you taught me;
1 . Psalms 125: 1 "Those who trust in the LORD are as secure as Mount Zion; they will not be defeated but will endure forever..." This I stand by every day of my life. God first!
2. There is nothing a woman can't achieve, as long as one puts their mind to it. So it always starts with me. All I need is within me. I always need to first dive inside me before I run to anyone outside. it's a battle of my mind. I have to always believe it first in my mind, then take steps to manifestation.
Anyway, I love you, mom !!!  Thanks for nurturing me, and I appreciate you braving all storms to see us grow in a united homestead filled with love... I know it wasn't easy, but thanks for hanging in there for our sake. I am grateful, and may God keep you alive for us to spoil you with wealth and more love.